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Navigating the Holiday Season: Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” — World Health Organization


Is “Healthy” and “Holiday Eating” An Oxymoron?

“When you hear "Healthy Holiday Eating," what comes to mind first?” I saw this question posed on one of my coaching sites and immediately thought healthy and holiday eating are contradictory terms, but that’s just me. What about you? What do you think of when you hear healthy holiday eating? Is that something that makes sense to you or does it feel like two opposing thoughts? What picture comes to mind?

Don’t get me wrong. There are conditions we can put in place to avoid the holiday bulge. That excess weight no one wants to gain during the holidays, and yet we all want to savor our favorite festive treats. I don’t know about you, but my favorite holiday treats include sugar. How do we indulge, without over-indulging?

When I was in high school, I asked my gym teacher how she stayed fit. One thing she said that stuck with me was that she only ate dessert on the weekends. Her way of staying healthy and fit was to only eat sweets on the weekend. I loved how she set goals around what was important to her. She valued her health, and eating healthy and staying fit was a part of her strategy toward meeting her health goals.

I’ve respected that statement ever since I heard it. I value my health, as I am sure all of us do. Being intentional and setting parameters on how to best take care of myself is something I treasure. What I loved about my teacher’s approach toward healthy eating and being fit was that by setting this framework in place, she could maintain a healthy lifestyle all year long, even during the holiday season.

As you think about the upcoming holiday season and the celebratory treats that go along with it, consider the things you value and the parameters you can put around what matters most to you. This can apply to any area of your life, including your health, your relationships, your mental and emotional well-being, your self-care, and most importantly your relationship with God. Where are you being intentional and prioritizing what is vital to you?

I’ve been studying the benefits of a healthy lifestyle since I was in high school. It’s important to understand, be aware of, and acknowledge our wants and what we want to avoid. Are you setting a goal because you want to gain something or avoid something? Are you running toward your goals and dreams or avoiding your fears? Personally, for me, this makes a huge difference. It’s where my mind is at. What is your mindset when you set a goal?

Healthy holiday eating doesn’t have to be complicated. All it takes is a plan. Have a healthy lifestyle you implement, like my gym teacher, eating sweets only on the weekend. She was also active, and that is how she stayed fit. I find that balance is important to me. I don’t want to avoid eating the foods I enjoy, but I do want to be smart about when and how often I eat them. What is your action plan toward a healthy lifestyle?

Tips For A Healthy Holiday Season

  1. Set healthy habits

  2. Stay active

  3. Stay hydrated

  4. Have a healthy eating plan that includes chicken, fish, eggs, fruits, veggies, and nuts

  5. Consider bringing a healthy dish to a holiday party, such as spicy shrimp, squash, herb-buttered baby carrots, deviled eggs, or a beet salad

  6. Choose when you will enjoy your favorite holiday treats

  7. Remember beverages also contain sugar

  8. Eat to satisfy, not to stuff

  9. Enjoy the holiday meals – without feeling guilty

  10. Stock up on healthy foods at home (which will help you from going for the sweets)

  11. Modify recipes to make them healthier

  12. Take a break after your first portion

  13. My personal faves include: avocado toast, eggs, smoothies and acai bowls

When my kids were younger, my husband and I made a decision to create a healthy lifestyle. Having kids and dogs made our job easier. For instance, we were always out. We enjoyed playing on the beach, bike riding, and walking our dogs. Growing up, I was also an active kid, so incorporating this into my married life made it easy. I appreciate finding balance, enjoying what I like and creating healthy habits.

  • What does healthy holiday eating mean to you?

  • How are you living a balanced, healthy lifestyle?

  • Is there an action step you can take today to live a healthier, more active life?

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Cor. 10:31


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